Newsworthy Notes

Newsworthy Notes

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Calendar of Events

Winners of the Top of Georgia Plein Aire Festival

Thank you to everyone that attended the Top of Georgia Plein Aire Festival at the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds. Some were there to paint, others to observe the artists painting in the beautiful rhododendron gardens. 

Congratulations to the winners in the Top of Georgia Plein Aire Festival. Carol Conti, 1st place, Jan Dappen, 2nd place, Virginia Tinsley, 3rd place, Susan Waters, honorable mention and Bazya Smith, winner of the student category. To encourage the arts in high school and college a student category was included. Becky Miller from Campus Gate Art Gallery at Young Harris College, Gina Rivers from Compass Rose Art Collective in Hayesville and Kari McCollough judged the event. Mary Michelle Keller judged the student division.  Prizes awarded totaled $2,500.

We are looking forward to the 2024 Top of Georgia Plein Aire Festival.  For more information please email

Installation of new officers

The new officers were installed at the monthly board meeting of the Mountain Regional Arts and Crafts Guild held on January 10, 2023.  The new officers are:  Linda Bell, President; Karin Butler, Vice President;  Colleen Conrad and Margaret Windham, co-secretaries and Larry Krewson, Treasurer.   We wish them all the success 2023.

   Pictured are the four winners with their paintings.

Left to right are Virginia Tinley, 

W. Craig Sasser, Julia Stevens and Keith Burgess.


Mountain Regional Arts and Crafts Guild held its third annual Plein Aire Paint-Out at the Azalea Farm in Blairsville, GA on the rain date of June 18, 2022. Sixteen painters competed for the $500 in prize money donated by the Azalea Farm owners, Robert and Angie Hice. Taking the first prize of $200 was W. Craig Sasser. Second prize of $150 went to Virginia Tinley. Third prize of $100 was awarded to Julia Stevens and honorable mention went to Keith Burgess. Judges for the event were Mary Mike Keller, Karin Butler, Diane Woodward and Angie Hice. Breakfast and lunch were served to the participants and Bacchus on the Lake sponsored a reception while the judges deliberated.

Next year’s paint-out will be held at Hamilton Gardens in the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds.


Latest Community Involvement

Karah Shea - Scholarship Recipient

MRACG Awards Scholarship to
Karah Shea

Scholarship Award Placque

Mountain Regional Arts and Crafts Guild Newsletter

Our Guild publishes a periodic newsletter to update our member artists, prospective members, and all interested in our activities to support the arts and crafts community.

To read and/or download the most recent newsletter, click on the image to the right.

Newsletter photo
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